Part #: PS PP-1659A/G
Description: This Battery Charger is in like NEW condition! Th…
Brand: Syncor Industries Corp.
$165.00 / each
Part #: PUB HOW-438
Description: Howard 438 .5−32 MHz SWL Receiver
$11.00 / each
Part #: CTP 5201-PC
Description: Johanson 0.8 to 10pF Air Trimmer Capacitor, PCB 3…
Brand: Johanson
$11.99 / each
Part #: PS PP-1659A/G
Description: This Battery Charger is in like NEW condition! Th…
Brand: Syncor Industries Corp.
$165.00 / each
Part #: TV F136-2
Description: Powerstat variac with paralleling choke. Wired as…
Brand: Powerstat
$535.00 / each
Part #: SDI 1N3324RBJAN
Description: Zener, 30v, 50w, 5%, Stud, JAN
$15.00 / each
Part #: CRY 011.0016
Description: HC−18, Nagaoka 11.0016 MHz,Crystal 13.5mm H x 11.…
$5.00 / each