Part Number:
Product Details:
AutoSyn® Resolver 26v 2 Rotor / 11.8v 2 Stator 7 wires 1.43"DIA x 1.63"L / 0.116"DIA x 0.46"L Slotted Lugs crimped and soldered to ends of wires about 2−1/2" long Bendix AutoSyn® synchros motors. 400Hz with wire connections unless otherwise specified in notes.1 = Single Phase, 2 = Double Phase, 3 = Three Phase
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Description: This Battery Charger is in like NEW condition! Th…
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Part #: PS PP-1659A/G
Description: This Battery Charger is in like NEW condition! Th…
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Description: Meca RF attenuator. 6 dB, 2 watts. 1 kw peak. DC …
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Part #: TP CG-125
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